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Witnesses of Christ

January 17, 2012

The Bible has been around for over 4oo years as the actual Bible. The writings it contains have been around for a lot longer over 4000 years. To keep something around that long takes a lot of effort. Why would people strive and work so hard to keep the words of some men intact? Why would man read a book that is so old about a time that is so far behind us? What makes it so important?

Well what it contains is what makes it so great! It is the words of prophets. The words that were revealed unto these men by the Holy Ghost or in some case by God Himself. How great is that! The principles taught in their teachings are for us of all ages and at all times. That is what prophets do they help us to understand how God can help us now and forever. That is why God calls prophets is so that we can all learn what God desires us to learn. That priceless and invaluable word that is recorded in the Bible is why men have fought so hard to keep it intact for so long. “For, for this intent have we written these things, that they may know that we knew of Christ, and we had a hope of his glory many hundred years before his coming; and not only we ourselves had a hope of his glory, but also all the holy prophets which were before us.” (Jacob 4:4).

The Bible is the word of God and we should all be grateful for the men that wrote it. So if these words are so important why would God cease to give them to us? Why would God only give them to a small group of people in Jerusalem? He didn’t! He called prophets in the ancient Americas as well. Their record is in a book known as the Book of Mormon.  This record  is for the same purpose as the Bible as Nephi wrote “they are the words of Christ, and he hath given them unto me; and they teach all men that they should do good.” (2 Nephi 33:10). That is why it is so great it as an additional witness that Jesus is the Christ and that God does loves us and wants to give us guidance and direction. I know its true and I know that you can come to know by the same power that it is true if you but ask your Heavenly Father.


Elder Hinton

One Comment
  1. Holy ghost filled, water baptised, honestly sanctified, and everything else that falls along those lines.

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